1100 Georgia employers spoke – and we listened! Based a survey we conducted, and the input provided during Commissioner Mark Butler’s Employer Summit – town hall forum, we made significant improvements and enhancements to the GeorgiaBEST program. The Georgia Department of Labor is attacking this employer-identified epidemic of a lack of employability skills using a three-pronged approach:
GeorgiaBEST@School (for Pre-K through Post-Secondary classrooms),
GeorgiaBEST@Work (for facilitated training for those who are currently in the workforce), and
GeorgiaBEST@Home (for parents who want to work on employability skills with their employment-aged children, or for individuals who want to brush up on their own skills, or for faith-based organizations or civic groups who wish to conduct training sessions within their communities.)
The GeorgiaBEST training includes activities, videos, and ethical choice scenarios to stimulate group discussion and encourage participants to examine their own morals and values. The goal is to create changed behavior.
If you have additional questions about the GeorgiaBEST program and cannot find the answers on this website, contact us today!