1. What is GeorgiaBEST?
    GeorgiaBEST (Business Employability Skills Training) is a program that was created by and is administered by the Georgia Department of Labor.  It is training that is designed to address the lack of employability skills or soft skills or work ethic in today’s workforce.  The program has a three-pronged approach:  GeorgiaBEST@School (for Pre-K through Post-Secondary classrooms), GeorgiaBEST@Work (for facilitated training for those who are currently in the workforce), and GeorgiaBEST@Home (for parents who want to work on employability skills with their children, or for individuals who want to brush up on their own skills, or for faith-based organizations or civic groups who wish to conduct training sessions within their communities.
  1. How is GeorgiaBEST administered?
    The GeorgiaBEST program is administered by the Office of Workforce Development through a partnership with the University of North Georgia.
  1. I am a teacher; how do I access the materials to include this information in my classroom?
    Teachers can go to GeorgiaBEST@School to register.  Once the registration has been approved, the teacher will have access to a teacher’s manual, lesson plans, activities, ethical choice scenarios, and other information.   The lessons are designed for face-to-face interaction between the teacher and students.
  1. I am a parent who wants to help my working-aged child increase their chances of getting a job. How can we access these materials?
    Parents can go to GeorgiaBEST@Home to register.  Once the registration has been approved, the parent will have access to a train-the-trainer toolkit, a facilitator’s guide, lesson plans, activities, ethical choice scenarios, and other information.  The GeorgiaBEST@Home lessons can be completed by the working-aged child in a self-directed format, or the parent and child can engage in discussions about the subject matter to greatly enhance the learning experience.
  1. I am an HR manager at a company that is experiencing high employee turnover due to issues such as attitude, punctuality and customer service. Do you have training materials that I can use?
    Designated company trainers/facilitators can click go to GeorgiaBEST@Work to register.  Once the registration has been approved, the trainer will have access to a train-the-trainer toolkit, a facilitator’s guide, lesson plans, activities, ethical choice scenarios, and other information.
  1. I am a small business owner who has experienced some work ethics-related issues, but I don’t have much practical experience doing any training. Can you help?
    Yes!  The GeorgiaBEST program uses, with permission, train-the-trainer resources from the American Society for Training & Development.  This information can be accessed by facilitators through GeorgiaBEST@Work.
  1. I lost my job because my employer said I wasn’t a team player. What can I do to improve my skills so I can get another job?
    Individuals who wish to improve their employability skills can go to GeorgiaBEST@Home to register.  Once the registration has been approved, the participant will have access to a facilitator’s guide, lesson plans, activities, ethical choice scenarios, and other information.  The GeorgiaBEST@Home lessons can be completed in a self-directed format; however, many of the activities provide opportunities to engage in discussions with others about the subject matter.   Find a study partner or include family members or friends to greatly enhance the learning experience.
  1. I am looking for work; do you offer any other resources that would help me in my job search?
    Yes! Please visit https://employgeorgia.com/  or your local One-Stop Center for help with your job search.
  1. How do students earn their certificates of participation?
    Students are assessed through everyday classroom observation based on the specific components of the GeorgiaBEST program. Those who successfully complete the program are eligible for a GeorgiaBEST@School certificate of participation awarded by the teacher.  Students have an opportunity to earn a GeorgiaBEST@School certificate each year.
  1. Can people who are currently in the workforce earn a GeorgiaBEST certificate?
    Yes!  Supervisors should review and discuss the GeorgiaBEST@Work Frequency Observation Tool with employees and establish a baseline assessment of employability skills.  Following a period of at least 90 days of daily observation, supervisors can then complete a Frequency Observation Tool, determine whether the employees have met the requirements to earn a certificate, enter the information online, and print the certificates.  The GeorgiaBEST@Work certificate is signed by Mark Butler, the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Labor.
  1. How much does it cost to participate in the GeorgiaBEST program?
    GeorgiaBEST is free to individuals in the state of Georgia.
  1. Who is allowed to administer/implement the program?
    The program has a three-pronged approach:  GeorgiaBEST@School (for teachers of Pre-K through Post-Secondary classrooms), GeorgiaBEST@Work (for company-designated trainers of those employees who are currently in the workforce), and GeorgiaBEST@Home (for parents who want to improve the employability skills of their working-aged children, or for individuals who want to brush up on their own skills, or for faith-based organizations, civic groups, or after-school programs who wish to conduct training sessions within their communities.
  1. What are the GeorgiaBEST components and what topics are covered in the program?
    There are three components to the GeorgiaBEST program:  Personal Characteristics, Interactions with Others, and Employer Expectations.  Each component contains attributes/competencies/skills based on input received from over 1100 employers across the state of Georgia.  Here is how the program is structured:

Personal Characteristics

  • Attitude
  • Initiative
  • Flexibility
  • Organization
  • Discipline
  • Integrity

Interactions with Others

  • Respect
  • Effective Communication
  • Teamwork

Employer Expectation

  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Customer Service
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Technology Usage and Social Media Ethics
  • Professionalism
  • Adherence to Policy

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